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 Benefits of omega-3 for women

Sure, you have heard about omega-3 and its benefits before, but in this article we will focus on the benefits of omega-3 specifically for women, here are the details.

Omega-3 is a type of fatty acid belonging to the polyunsaturated fatty acid group, and it is important for many functions in the human body. Learn about the benefits of omega-3 for women.

It is worth noting that the human body is unable to manufacture omega-3, so it is important to consume it from various sources or through nutritional supplements.

Types of omega-3s

Before talking about the benefits of omega-3 for women, it is important to know what types of this fatty acid are.

There are three types of omega-3 and they are as follows:

Alpha-linolenic acid: It is found mainly in plant oils such as chia seeds and walnuts.

Eicosapentaenoic acid

Docosahexaenoic acid: this type and the former are found in cold-water fatty fish such as salmon and sardines.

The human body converts small amounts of alpha-linolenic acids to the other two types.

Benefits of omega-3 for women

Of course, the benefits of consuming omega-3 are not limited to women only, so we will review those intended for women in addition to the general benefits of this acid:

1- Important for the growth of the fetus

It is important for women during pregnancy to consume omega-3 sources due to its importance in the growth and development of the fetus.

Where a scientific study found that the risk of children developing asthma decreased if the mother consumed omega-3 during pregnancy, compared with others.

In addition, omega-3 is important in the development of nerves and vision in the fetus, in addition to reducing the risk of developing allergies.

2- Useful for the expectant mother

The benefits of omega for women reach them during pregnancy, not just the fetus!

It was found that omega-3 plays a role in reducing the risk of premature labor and developing high blood pressure for a pregnant woman, and it may also help increase the weight of the fetus at birth.

3- Reducing the risk of developing postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is very common, and low levels of omega-3s may increase this risk.

If, in turn, eating omega-3s helps lower your risk

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